Food as Medicine Everyday Cooking is a 12-week series led by naturopathic physicians that focuses on nutrition education and hand-on cooking. Located in Charlee’s Kitchen on the NUNM campus, it is offered year-round to individuals and families.
Series Details
Food as Medicine Everyday is a series of twelve weekly workshops that demonstrate simple techniques for selecting and cooking tasty, nutritious whole foods and teach how these foods can improve health and fitness.
What topics will be covered?
- Introduction to Nutrients
- Label Reading
- Benefits of Breakfast
- Habits 4 Health
- How to Create Your Plate
- Healthy Digestion
- Balancing Blood Sugar
- Grains and Greens of Traditional Diets
- Healthy Substitutions on the Go
- Exploring Sweeteners
- Shopping Guide
- Healthy Lunches & Snacks
How many people can participate?
Each workshop will welcomes up to 15–20 participants, both children and adults. The workshops are often held on weekday evenings from 6-7:30 p.m. in Charlee’s Kitchen.
Who does this benefit?
You and your family will benefit from healthy cooking tips, and proceeds from Food as Medicine Everyday workshops support community–based ECO Project workshops for low–income families.