January 2017
Food as Medicine Everyday Series – Winter 2017
Wednesdays, January 11 – March 29, 2017, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Location: Charlee’s Kitchen, 2220 SW First Avenue Portland, Map and directions Registration includes: 12 weekly workshops that demonstrate simple techniques for selecting and cooking tasty, nutritious whole foods. 90 minutes with a naturopathic physician or nutritionist who will share how these foods can improve health and fitness A copy of Food as Medicine Everyday, Reclaim Your health with Whole Foods, authors Dr. Julie Briley and Dr. Courtney Jackson Bonus! Whole-grain or legume package…
Find out more »February 2017
Hands-On Fermentation with Sandor Ellix Katz
Friday, February 10, 2017 | 6-8 p.m. Charlee’s Kitchen, NUNM Helfgott Research Center | Map & Directions $75 EB (ends 1/29/17), $85 regular Limit: 15 participants This event is sold out. Join renowned fermentation expert Sandor Katz as he demonstrates the true Art of Fermentation. This intimate setting will allow participants to learn directly from a master of the craft as they prepare their own fermented delicacies. Participants will leave with a glass jar containing their self-prepared vegetable ferments, as…
Find out more »Food As Medicine Symposium Registration – Professional
This year’s symposium will focus on the intricacies of fermentation, autoimmunity, food allergies and the microbiome. Registration is available for both in-person and webinar options. EB–early bird ends January 29, 2017, general registration after January 29. Professional CE: 13 CE credits to be applied for (Professionals include: ND, MD, DO, DC, PA, NP, RN, RD, LN) Ticket Pricing Physicians & Health Care Professionals:$325 EB; $375 general NCNM/NUNM Alumni: $300 EB; $350 general NUNM Students & Other Medical Students: $75 EB; $125 general…
Find out more »2017 Food as Medicine Symposium – Registration, Public
Saturday, February 11, 2017 Registration is available for both in-person and webinar options. EEB–extra early bird ends December 11; EB–early bird ends January 30, general registration begins following end of early-bird. Ticket Pricing General Public: $65 EEB; $85 EB; $100 general
Find out more »July 2017
FAME – Summer 2017 Eight Week Series
Wednesdays, July 19 – September 6, 2017 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Location: Charlee’s Kitchen, 2220 SW First Avenue Portland, Map and directions The Food as Medicine Everyday series is a series of weekly workshops that demonstrate simple techniques for selecting and cooking tasty, nutritious whole foods and teach how these foods can improve health and fitness. Each registration includes a copy of the Food as Medicine Everyday book. Registration This class is full. Please check back to Fall offerings.
Find out more »January 2018
Food as Medicine Everyday – Winter 2018
Thursdays, January 11 – March 29, 2018 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Location: Charlee’s Kitchen, 2220 SW First Avenue Portland, Map and directions The Food as Medicine Everyday series is a series of weekly workshops that demonstrate simple techniques for selecting and cooking tasty, nutritious whole foods and teach how these foods can improve health and fitness. Each registration includes a copy of the Food as Medicine Everyday book. Registration Early bird pricing, ends December 11 $299 individuals $499 family rate (2 participants)*…
Find out more »Food as Medicine Everyday Fall 2017
Thursdays, January 11 – March 29, 2018 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Location: Charlee’s Kitchen, 2220 SW First Avenue Portland, Map and directions The Food as Medicine Everyday series is a series of weekly workshops that demonstrate simple techniques for selecting and cooking tasty, nutritious whole foods and teach how these foods can improve health and fitness. Each registration includes a copy of the Food as Medicine Everyday book. Registration Early bird pricing, ends December 11 $299 individuals $499 family rate (2 participants)*…
Find out more »